Maximise your Facebook marketing organically

Are you overwhelmed when it comes to creating content for Facebook marketing?

We can help in just 4 SESSIONS!

  • Creating the content of your posts

  • Organising your content to make the most of it

  • Creating the images in Canva

  • How to get the content out to your audience

Don't know where to start with generating content?

We will be looking at various ways to generate the content you need to make enough posts all year round.

It is about retraining your brain to recognise the opportunities and our bones prompts will certainly help you start to think about things a little differently.

BONUS 1: Content prompts

Not sure how to organise the content?

The biggest thing that helped me was organising my content so that I could effectively reuse and repurpose it.

Our Bonus Content Planner will help you keep everything in one place.

BONUS 2: Content planner

(including national awareness days)

Canva still a scary place for you?

We will go through the basics of Canva, just the bits you need to get going, so that you don't feel completely overwhelmed.

Our Bonus templates will also give you some quick wins with your images.

BONUS 3: Canva Templates

Need to know how to get the content out there?

We'll talk about the places you can share your content, schedule it and link it across the 2 platforms.


Emma Harper - Core Plus Education

From a lifelong dream to a thriving mission, Emma's journey as an educator has been fuelled by one unwavering passion: empowering students to unlock their full potential. From her earliest years, Emma's calling to teach was evident, guiding her through being a young leader and instructor, then a tutor before completing teacher training.

With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Emma witnessed first hand the struggles faced by students in traditional educational settings. Determined to make a difference, she founded Core Plus Tuition in 2018, a sanctuary where every student is nurtured, supported, and celebrated.

At Core Plus Tuition, Emma and her tutors don't just teach Maths, English and Science; they build confidence, ignite curiosity, and instil a love for learning. Whether it's helping a struggling student conquer complex math concepts or witnessing a child's eyes light up with newfound understanding, their greatest joy comes from those "aha" moments of discovery.

But Emma’s mission doesn't end there. She is passionate about helping other tutors too. It has been a steep learning curve building the Core Plus business and if she can save other tutors a little time and energy that's great!

Away from the business, Emma has her hands full with her 2 little girls. Luckily, she has the support of her amazing hubby Kyle. When they are not busy with the day-to-day stuff, they are away exploring the country in their caravan—Emma's happy place.

The Sessions

Session 1:

Monday 2nd September 8pm

Creating the content of your posts - drawing on your experience, your knowledge and your value to create engaging content.

Session 2:

Monday 9th September 8pm

Organising your content so that you can share it quickly and efficiently as well as reuse it when needed.

Session 3:

Monday 16th September 8pm

Creating on Canva - setting up your brand and creating images and videos to catch your audience's attention.

Session 4:

Monday 23rd September 8pm

Where to share the content on Facebook and Instagram - how to schedule it all at the same time.

Don't worry if you can't make a session all sessions are recorded for you to watch when you are ready!


  • How to recognise content

  • How to find other content

  • How to reuse your content

  • How to organise your content

  • How to create images for your content

  • Where to share your content

  • How to schedule your content

  • How to link Facebook and Instagram

  • How to spend less time on your content


  • 4 live sessions

  • Content Prompts

  • Content Organiser

  • Canva Templates


"Emma's journey as a tutor and business owner has been an inspiration to me.

She is generous with her advice and insight which has helped my professional development as a tutor as well as improving my visibility and reach as a tutoring business.

Every encounter with Emma is a

valuable learning experience."

Dee Atkins-Greig
M Cubed Tuition

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